From books to clothing to groceries, we can get almost anything delivered to our doors. During the last years, eCommerce has been focused on adapting to continue growing; while this year is all about digital transformation.

If you want to stay one step ahead of eCommerce trends to ensure they keep up with customer demands, here are a few eCommerce trends to take note of:

1. Voice shopping

Recent years have witnessed a huge demand for product search via smart speakers which directly influences shopping outcomes. Ecommerce sellers must remain cognizant of changes in search so they can optimize for future sales. 

According to Statista, the volume of voice shopping is calculated to measure up to $40 billion in 2022. 

Voice commerce is claimed to help customers interact with business, receive recommendations instantly. So if you want to follow this trend, at minimum, make sure your eCommerce site is optimized for mobile voice search by prioritizing the kind of information people ask for, such as website and physical address, contact number and business hours.

Alexa device voice shopping

2. Build community

Building communities around or within brands will be a major trend this year due to the loss of the cookie and the impact of COVID-19 on online engagement.  For customers, a relationship based on engagement is more important than a mere transactional relationship. This is partly due to lockdown and isolation, but it’s also a result of a consumer’s need to consider their own safety when engaging with brands. 

This trend is not likely to go away with the pandemic, and marketers need to respond by creating communities that maintain and reinforce relationships.

These communities and this relationship with the customers are closely related to customer retention. Brands can also offer subscriptions and loyalty programs providing convenience, exclusivity, and savings to shoppers. This forges a relationship with customers and encourages them to become your brand advocates.  

red nike hoodie and an iphone taking a photo

3. Upselling and cross-selling

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI) we can predict shopping habits based on browsing and shopping history. 

AI is up for building a customized website for every unique visitor. While very few retailers (like Amazon)  have the volume of data needed for true AI, some ERP and CRM systems include machine learning features to assist in cross-selling and upselling.

Data reporting dashboard on a laptop screen

4. Payment options

If your business accepts payment only via check or credit or debit card, it’s time to consider new options, customers want the option to choose their preferred payment method during the checkout process. Businesses that offer different payment technology are more likely to build trust, reduce cart abandonment, and encourage shoppers to spend more. 

Revolut Credit Card and a laptop

5. Personalized marketing/products

When it comes to eCommerce trends 2022, “personalization” will be a must-have element. Studies show that 80 percent of consumers want more personalization from retailers. Meaning that customers are more willing to pay for a company that provides a deeper level of personalization, where the company gives each visitor individual attention that encourages them to move down the funnel. Besides boosting sales, personalization contributes to brand loyalty in the long term.

If you want to get on board with this trend, you must invest in technology to send personalized pop-ups, follow-up emails, and relevant marketing offers to deliver a better experience. Fortunately, with machine learning, smart website features and online tracking technologies, it’s easy to give every customer a highly customized and individualized experience. 

Woman's hand writing the word audience on a whiteboard, with arrows

Besides guiding you through the top 5 eCommerce future trends, we also provide some practical advice and tips to keep up with the raise. Contact us!

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