4 Tips To Build a More Resilient Business
Resilient brands are those that are able to absorb stress, adapt, change directions, recover critical functionality, and thrive in altered circumstances. And nowadays it’s so important because the business environment is becoming more dynamic and unpredictable.Managing for resilience requires a fundamentally different mental model of business from what we’ve been seeing these years. Resilience must deal with unidentified risks, and it must consider the adaptations and transformations a company must make to absorb environmental stress and even turn it to advantage.

The pandemic has taught businesses across the globe the value of effective communications, from strategic discipline to brand resilience. Customer centricity, human storytelling and corporate social responsibility are now fundamental. The need for a resilient brand that can withstand market stress was highlighted as the most valuable lesson of 2021.

A crisis is always a catalyst for a re-evaluation of what we value and why, and for new forms of creativity. Brands have had to explore new ways to be present and relevant to consumers and the best way has been going through e-commerce and digital strategies. Two years ago, only 13.6% of sales were made from online purchases. Today, that number is close to 20% according to Shopify.

Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 to 2021 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Source: Statista 2022

Embracing e-commerce and a having digital strategy have been the key to surviving these last years for many businesses and the highlight point of being a resilient brand that knows crises are opportunities for change.

But if you are wondering how to be a more resilient brand these are some tips you can apply:

Seek advantage in adversity and look forward

In the long term, new needs and the incapacitation of competitors can create opportunities. 

Brand as experience

Defining a strong brand characteristic is crucial to a user’s experience. A unique and consistent visual identity is at the core of a strong brand and is a sign of resilience. By understanding their customers you can build a brand that understands users’ interactions, needs, and requirements. 

Take volatility as default

Forget about occasional adjustment under extreme circumstances and build your brand as a system based on constant changes and experimentation.

Have a clear understanding of why your business exists

While understanding what your business does and how it does it, it’s important when you build your brand positioning, understanding your brand purpose will help you to stand out from your competitors.

Whatever the opportunity or challenge your business is facing today, we can provide expert advice focused on getting you the results you’ve set for your business. Contact us!

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