The step-by-step guide to creating a memorable logo
As a small business owner, you might think branding is something that’s best left to large companies like Apple, Google or Coca-Cola. But the truth is, it doesn’t matter how big (or how small!) your company is; if you’re in business, you need to think about branding your business.

As part of the branding strategy, you need to focus on the visual part. We are visual creatures, which means we remember easier when we have an image to associate with. Choose your colour palette and typography, and build a whole world around your brand and your logo. 

But first, how to get the perfect design for your logo? What is the step-by-step guide to creating a memorable logo?

In the simplest definition, a logo is an identifier. It’s how your company is recognized and remembered among others. 

Before you start with the design, it’s important to keep in mind two factors:

  • logo is a lot of strategy: a logo is more than a drawing, be ready to do a lot of thinking and decision-making based on what is your brand and what your business represents.
  • logo is not an independent element: remember that a logo is part of a large visual system, and all those elements need to work together as a whole.

1. Discover

The first phase of creating a logo starts with a lot of thinking, understanding and research. You need to understand what the brand embodies and what the business’s goals are. Take some time to understand the story behind the company, forgot what the business does and focus on why it does it. Customers engage better with stories than they do with the basic facts of your product.

Some of the questions you can try to solve are the tone of voice of the brand, the selling proposition, the adjectives you would use if your brand would be a person or the brand values. 

Also is important to do some industry research. ​​No brand exists in a vacuum. Check what kind of logos competitors and industry leaders have.

2. Build the concept

Once you have done your research, you can get on to the fun part of the logo design process. Let your ideas run free and get them down on paper. Focus on fundamentals like style, colour, and typography. Colour psychology and how colours affect us might be a good starting point.

Sketch out a bunch of different concepts to see what works and what doesn’t. Once you have a handful of different sketches on paper, take a step back and pick the top three concepts. Show those designs to your family and friends and if possible to someone that fits your buyer persona.

3. Design

This is probably the part every designer is waiting for. Take all the considerations and inputs from the first two phases and start generating the logo.

It’s important to consider where and how the logo will be used. Where you need your logo might determine the colour model, the shape or even the design software used.

Once your logo is ready is important to define a set of rules and guidelines for how to treat your logo. Define logo size, colour, layout, treatment, positioning, orientation, etc.

Each detail of your logo—colours, fonts, sizes, shapes and more—can affect the kind of impression it makes on customers. Although at the end of the day your logo may not resonate with every single viewer, a robust logo design process is your best opportunity to bring your brand vision to life.


Contact us if you need help with the process. We are here to help you strategize, plan and execute!

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