The OECD has forecasted that, in 2022, Canada’s economy will expand by 3.8%. Compared to last year, that expansion is expected to be lower than the global average of 4.5%, but on par with the OECD average.   The good news is that the Canadian government has conducted extensive research on the industries that are rapidly growing and will be vital to the recovery of the country’s economy.  We take a look at the fastest growing industries in Canada to identify where the best opportunities may lie, and how to get into them. 


Taking into consideration that technology plays a big role in modern-day life, it comes as no surprise that eCommerce continues to grow at a rapid pace in almost every developed country on Earth.  

There are several reasons for this that include but are not limited, the change in consumer culture, we have less time and need more convenience; we also live in a digital era primarily consisting of rampant download culture, and buying online it’s easier to find cheaper deals and promotions. 

The eCommerce industry influences warehouses, call centers, logistics, retails, and manufacturers. So if you are planning to start a new business, eCommerce might be a great option due to the low investment you need. 

ecommerce visa and computer


Software Development and IT

The IT industry in Canada has long been known for including some of the best professionals and innovative companies. Part of this IT industry is software development, which has stepped into the limelight and has been identified for its rapid growth. The unexpected growth of software development has been linked to the increase in remote work that has been seen over the last year. 

If more businesses opt to allow their workforce to continue working remotely, like Twitter has just announced with lifetime remote working for some staff, then new software will need to be made to keep processes efficient and effective from distances. 

This is great news for the software development industry as these companies will need to hire professional developers to update their software to accommodate the geographical distances between employees. 

screens code development


Canada was the second country in the world to legalize the use and growth of cannabis for recreational purposes. As a result, some savvy investors saw this as an opportunity and backed cannabis growers in the region, and various experts predict that this industry will experience increased stability in 2022. 

Business and jobs in this area range from agricultural through to marketing and overall business management.



Another booming industry in Canada is the cryptocurrency market. When it comes to accepting and embracing crypto, Canada is one of the most progressive states as the government departments, and various banks continue to embrace this fundamental change in monetary systems. Canadians have rolled out the red carpet for crypto and the fintech companies associated with it. For example, Canadian KFC stores have been some of the first fast-food chains in the world where people can easily purchase the Bitcoin Bucket, which is basically buying food with bitcoin. 

Businesses and consumers are having to adapt to this new monetary system, which has proven to be faster, safer, and cheaper for consumers.    

So if you are planning to start a new business this year, these are the sector you should invest in. And because starting a new business can be an overwhelmed task, we can provide expert advice focused on getting you the results you’ve set for your business. Contact us!   

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