Green is the new Black: Green Friday

Black Friday is the unofficial name for the day after Thanksgiving and one of the most profitable days of the year for businesses. However, from an ecological perspective, is not the best day of the year. Attractive discounts lead to impulse buying that results in waste and unnecessary CO2 emissions.

In 2015, Green Friday was created,  this is a movement to encourage people to shop more mindfully and sustainably. 

One of the brands that are leading this movement is . The outdoor company has launched its #Optoutside campaign, encouraging people to spend more time outside and giving employees a paid day off. But don’t worry, you don’t need to close your doors to support Green Friday, you can use this day as a brand-building initiative. Consumer demographics are changing and the younger generations are willing to spend more on sustainable products and local products, so if you are a small business this is your opportunity to be differentiated.

4 Green Friday ideas for Small Businesses

If you want to support this movement next year, here you have 4 easy ideas that you can use for your business:

Promote local products and with a small environmental footprint

As we mentioned, the trend is changing and people are willing to pay more for local and eco-friendly products, so highlight those local goods and those with a small environmental footprint.

Make a stand with secondhand goods

Ikea has embraced Green Day by buying back and reselling items their customers no longer want. On a smaller scale, you can offer store credit vouchers to customers in exchange for items they no longer need – and host a boutique sale later in the season.

Host sustainable workshops and events

Educate and empower your customers to be more sustainable. If you are selling tech products you can offer an on-site tech repair, or if you are a fashion store you can host a basic sewing workshop. You can host talks with local experts about circular fashion, the slow food movement, or zero-waste living.

Offer in-store discounts and support environmental actions

You can offer on-site discounts for customers that bring donations, shop with reusable containers and bags or ask for an e-receipt instead of the traditional one. These are great business practices that enjoin your customers to minimize your impact. 

Contact us if you’re ready to integrate sustainability strategies into your business plan. We’re here to help so you can focus on other parts of your business. Contact us and sign up for our newsletter to get the latest tips and trends in your inbox.

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