The perks of having a Social Responsibility Strategy

As we know already, Covid has had a devastating impact on small businesses. Most business owners are focused on finding new business models capable of surviving and thriving in a COVID-19-impacted world, so having a Social Responsibility strategy might not be in their very near future

A Social Responsibility strategy, in simple terms, focuses on pursuing achievable and good long-term goals for its people and the world at large. Because it is not compulsory, many companies might not feel the need to engage in it. However, there are several reasons we believe it is important for companies to prioritize social responsibility.

CSR helps to retain employees and attract customers

According to a Cone Communications survey, 76% of millennials research whether a company is being authentic about its stands on social or environmental issues, and this not only applies to large companies, but also to small businesses. Millennials have huge power, not only as customers but also as someone that might be looking for a job.

CSR shows a sign of accountability to investors

Businesses that are socially responsible can also appear more attractive to investors. According to a report conducted by Aflac, 61% of investors consider CSR a sign of “ethical corporate behaviour, which reduces investment risk.”

CSR helps to engage with customers

Many CSR strategies involve businesses interacting with different members of society, who may also be customers or potential customers, and may also help you with word-of-mouth advertisement.

At Strategic Lift we are aware of the importance of being Socially Responsible. Some of our project management works consist of producing specific materials for photo shooting, windows displays or temporary events that won’t have a long use.

At Strategic Lift we help align with our clients’ values of sustainability and zero waste. One of the latest examples is some curtains produced for Louis Vuitton for one of its window displays.

After the curtains were removed from the store we started a social media campaign to find a local school or a theatre company that might give them a longer life. Finally, kids from Vancouver Talmud Torah are now enjoying them in their theatre classes.

There’s just one thing we love more than the infinite possibility of a new project, and it’s giving our projects a second life. Let’s make something meaningful together. Contact us!

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